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What Ofsted Inspectors Will Be Looking For When They Inspect Your Online Delivery - Sponsored by OneFile


Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, it would be fair to say that Ofsted rarely focused in detail on any part of a provider’s provision that was delivered online, preferring instead to concentrate its inspection activities on traditional methods of classroom-based, face-to-face delivery. 

However, all that changed with the onset of the pandemic. Now, the vast majority of providers who moved part, or all, of their delivery online during the Covid-19 pandemic have permanently retained elements of their teaching, assessment and support online, or indeed all of it, for various reasons.

Therefore, Ofsted’s approach, and priority given, to inspecting online delivery have clearly had to change. This webinar will examine how Ofsted will inspect your online delivery and what inspectors will be looking out for.  


At the end of this webinar, you will:
  • Be aware of the context in which Ofsted is likely to place more emphasis on inspecting online learning in future;
  • Understand the different types of online learning;
  • Be familiar with the principles of good online teaching, assessment and support;
  • Understand what activities inspectors might carry out on online during an Ofsted inspection;
  • Be aware of how inspectors will gather evidence to make judgements about the effectiveness of your online learning;
  • Be able to prepare for the sorts of questions inspectors are likely to ask managers, teaching and training staff and learners about online learning;
  • Be aware of the safeguarding implications you may need to consider when delivering your provision online.

Who should attend this webinar

This webinar is designed for:
  • Providers of post-16 education and training, particularly those who deliver a significant proportion of their teaching and assessment online now, who will continue to do so in the future or are planning to introduce online learning.

    This webinar is also relevant for all those organisations who think they are in scope to be inspected in 2023/24 against the Education Inspection Framework (EIF), and those looking to refine and improve their existing provision.

    Senior leaders, managers, inspection nominees, teaching and delivery staff, online facilitators and Learner Services/Welfare/SEND teams. 

AELP Webinar: What Ofsted Inspectors Will Be Looking For When They Inspect Your Online Delivery - Sponsored by OneFile

Webinars on demand

Last published: 30/01/2024