Submission 109
Skills for Jobs: Implementing a New Further Education Funding and Accountability System
August 2022
AELP Response
Executive Summary
AELP welcomes the government’s policy intent and proposals to simplify the further education funding system, which providers find increasingly complex to operate within. These proposals from the Department for Education (DfE) seek to put greater trust in providers through increasing levels of flexibility and autonomy whilst revising arrangements on accountability and oversight. This is set against the landscape of the rollout of local skills improvement plans (LSIPs) to provide a focus on local and regional needs, alongside the wider national skills priorities of the country.
However, AELP believes these sets of proposed reforms fall short and are a golden missed opportunity. Frustratingly independent training providers (ITPs) who play a key role in the delivery of adult education are ostracized for the majority of the changes except for the planned changes to simplify how adult qualifications will be funded in the future landscape. AELP believes these proposals should be applied to all providers, with a greater focus on shifting to give service users of the provision greater autonomy and choice where and how they access the provision.
Skills for Jobs: Implementing a New Further Education Funding and Accountability System
Submission 109