AELP Mini Commissions

Tackling the Big Issues…One by One!
Welcome to our new Mini Commissions webpage! Mini commissions will test and explore a new way of working with our members, and utilise our close links with Regional Provider Networks, to ensure a collective voice on some of the big issues currently being faced by the skills sector.
This will provide us, and you, with new opportunities, and build more creative and constructive relationships, with officials, allowing AELP to:
- Provide more factual evidence to show the impact of high level policy decisions;
- Provide evidence of the damage of existing policy/decisions;
- Prove to officials how outcomes could be better with changed thinking;
- Shift the dial on policy decisions moving forward.
AELP Mini Commissions
Mini commissions will test and explore a new way of working with our members, and utilise our close links with Regional Provider Networks, to ensure a collective voice on some of the big issues currently being faced by the skills sector.
Last published: 01/07/2024