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Ben Rowland takes the reins as AELP’s new Chief Executive

Ben Rowland has today taken over as Chief Executive Officer of The Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP) at a crucial time for the skills sector.

Britain faces a big skills gap, and the role of AELP’s members will be vital in solving this. Yet, the sector is underfunded and the country lacks a coherent skills strategy while also having to deal with the impact of unprecedented inflation rates. There is also highly likely to be a UK General Election within the next 12 months. AELP recently launched Skills Means Growth, its vision for a sustainable skills sector.

Ben takes up the role of AELP CEO today (Monday 11 December) after recently working in an independent advisory capacity for corporates, non-profits and government organisations, working on learning and career programmes. Prior to that he founded Arch Apprentices in 2012, and helped the organisation to grow into one of the country's biggest training providers including being judged Outstanding by Ofsted in 2016. In addition, Ben has previously sat on the Department for Education's Apprenticeship Stakeholder Board and has significant insight and experience of working with government.


“It’s a privilege to start as AELP’s Chief Executive today. It’s a crucial time for our members, many of whom are experiencing tough trading conditions but with a general election on the horizon we have an opportunity to shout loudly about the power of work-based learning.
Ben Rowland, AELP Chief Executive
Ben Rowland, AELP Chief Executive Ben Rowland - Intro Video

“Having set up and run a training provider, I saw for myself the life-changing impact on individuals by learning how to do a job by being on the job. I’ve also seen the impact this has on organisations and society as a whole. What our members do is so important - we deliver the majority of apprenticeships and 90% of skills bootcamps, but we need change. There are 800,000 16-24 year olds not in education and employment or training - that’s nearly a million young people whose potential is not being reached. At the same time, we are ranked 6th out of the G7 nations in productivity.

“I want to listen to and deliver for members so AELP can advocate more effectively on their behalf to help create the conditions in which they can flourish – for the benefit of the country.”

Ben Rowland, AELP Chief Executive

AELP CEO Roadshow

As part of introducing himself to AELP members (and non-members), Ben is planning a CEO Roadshow in the early part of 2024. He will be visiting every region across England to update attendees on the work of AELP – and to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing providers and employers with a view to working together to overcome them.

More details on the CEO Roadshow will be published by AELP soon, but any AELP member or non-member interested in these events can book now.

“I’m also really looking forward to getting out and about to share our emerging plans and thinking and, most importantly, hear from you about what you want from your AELP. These events have been made possible by members and partners hosting us so a huge thanks to them. Please do sign up!"

Ben Rowland, AELP Chief Executive

Ben Rowland takes the reins as AELP’s new Chief Executive

Ben Rowland has today taken over as Chief Executive Officer of The Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP) at a crucial time for the skills sector.

Last published: 11/12/2023