As part of AELP’s membership benefits, we run a number of member meetings throughout the year. The meetings provide an opportunity for AELP members to discuss a broad range of issues and topics affecting all provider types, therefore we encourage all AELP members to participate and actively engage with them. The groups not only act as a source of information and support to members, but also provide AELP with useful insights to inform our policy, lobbying and research activities.
The meetings are overseen by an appointed and nominated Chair, from an AELP member organisation, or an AELP lead, with the skills, expertise and knowledge to lead the group to ensure that the content is relevant and meaningful.
Member Event Remit:
Member meetings are a vital tool to inform AELP’s strategy and engagement with government and its agencies. Their remit is to:
- Provide a platform for peer-to-peer collaboration to share effective practice, discuss issues and celebrate successes
- Stimulate ideas for new ways of working
- Feed into AELP policy, lobbying and research discussions and consultation responses
- Establish new, and strengthen existing, partnerships
- Promote AELP services to other networks and key stakeholders
AELP Remit:
AELP will:
- Set, and publish, a schedule of meeting dates as far in advance as possible
- Invite key stakeholders and relevant internal and external speakers (where applicable)
- Review feedback as part of a process of continuous improvement
- Provide a secretariat and technical support to share notes/actions, presentation slides and any other relevant documents within 5 working days
Chair Remit
The appointed Chair will:
- Work with the AELP lead/representative to draft a yearly schedule of meeting dates, create meaningful and relevant agendas and suggest appropriate speakers (where applicable)
- Manage the meeting, on the day, keeping the agenda and speakers to time
- Provide an initial opening address and manage member discussions and Q&A
- Respond to requests from AELP for feedback pertinent to the remit of the specific member event
- Respect and support the policy position of AELP
- Respect and support differing views of other AELP members
Chair Nomination Process and Application Form (April 2025)
The chair is elected by AELP members and will be in post for a period of two years (or 6-8 meetings). If a Chair position becomes vacant, either by the current chair stepping down from the post or where the period of election has exceeded two years (6-8 meetings) then AELP will consult with its membership for expressions of interest. We believe that this process strengthens our governance arrangements and ensures that we have an open and transparent approach to the chair role.
Once all nominations have been received (in line with the specified deadline date), all AELP members will be asked to vote through our regular communications, and the outcome will be agreed by majority. Members will be informed of the chair’s appointment via Countdown.
If you wish to nominate yourself, or a colleague (with their permission) please click the button below to complete the nomination form no later than 5pm Wednesday 9 April.