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Ask Ashworth

Ask Ashworth is available to AELP members and can be found on MyAELP

Ask Ashworth blog is available on the home page of the MyAELP members portal.

All member contacts can register/login to access via MyAELP

Ask Ashworth is AELP’s blog

A trusted resource to get practical advice and support on Further Education issues, brought to you by AELP.

Simon Ashworth

Simon Ashworth is the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Policy at the Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP). AELP is a national membership organisation that represents the interests of an extensive number of organisations. Our members support employers in the delivery of the majority apprenticeships in England and they deliver other publicly funded skills and employment programmes. The majority of our membership are independent private, not-for-profit and voluntary sector training and employment services organisations with employers, universities, FE colleges, schools and end-point assessment organisations.