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Jo Moriani

Webinar Manager

Jo Moriani



Jo joined AELP in 2012 on a part time basis to extend support to the sector via webinars. Jo went full time in 2017 and is responsible for the planning and marketing of the webinar programme, running the live webinars and looking after the budgets. She works closely with external sector experts, our SMT and sponsors. Jo loves all aspects of her job and is looking forward to welcoming a new team member to the team soon. 

Jo has a degree in Business, IT and Languages (French and German) and is a qualified Teaching Assistant. Jo was part of the opening crew at Euro Disney Paris when it opened in 1992 (work placement for her degree).

Before joining AELP,  Jo worked as a marketing manager supporting sales teams and running campaigns. She organised trade shows, user groups in EMEA and North America and webinars online when the technology became available.  She also created marketing collateral, newsletters, websites, case studies, managed two re-branding exercises after an MBO and an acquisition.  

Jo has two teenage girls and can usually be found at the side of a court at the weekends watching them play netball or at body combat class when there’s no matches.

Contact Jo

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 07867 305 907